Application Form 课后美术班报名表

Student Info 学生资料

English Full Name 英文全名 Chinese Name
Date of Birth
Age 年龄
School 学校 Grade 年级 Class Room No
Residence Address 住址 City 城市 Postal Code 邮编

Emergency Contact 紧急联络人

Parent's Name 家长姓名/紧急联络人 Home Tel 家庭电话 Mobile Tel 手机电话
Occupation 职业 E-mail 电邮地址

Fee 费用

Period 日期 Time 3:05pm - 5:05pm
Fee 费用 Total Fee
Early Bird
A14 (18 classes) ⃞ Every Wed $7.4 x 16 hrs
+ $8 material fee
$126.40 $118.40
B14 (7 classes) ⃞ Every Wed $7.40 x 14 hrs
+ $7 material fee
$110.60 $106.50

Please check ⃞ either box below 请选择以下其中一项
⃞ I would like to enclose a cheque of 本人于此时附上价值为$__________ for period A14 的支票作为A14的学费
⃞ I would like to enclose a cheque of 本人于此时附上价值为$__________ for period A14 and B14 的支票作为A14和B14的学费

Parent Signature 家长签名:____________________ Date 日期:__________
Based on operation practice, student may have to attend the class on the alternative day of the week. 由于运行上的限制,学生可能需要调整每周的上课日。

Please fill in the form above and submit together with a cheque payable to Alive Art and Culture Workshop to the School office. 请填妥以上表格,连同支票(请支付 Alive Art and Culture Workshop)齐交往校务处。